Why DFL?
Joining Delta Phi Lambda® is an incredibly rewarding and lasting experience that will be a defining part of your college life and after graduation endeavors. When you join our network of more than 1500 sisters, you gain a community of women who will serve as sources of inspiration, empower you to become a Dedicated Female Leader®, and welcome you into an Everlasting Sisterhood®.
Gain an Everlasting Sisterhood®
As our sisters attend college, we want to develop a strong female support network giving them a “home away from home.” This means you always have someone to celebrate your birthday with, have weekly study sessions with, impromptu road trip adventures with, or someone to listen to your stressful day at 2am. You have the comfort of knowing your "extended family" is here to provide support and encouragement in every phase of your life.
With over 1,700 members globally, you’ll continue making personal and professional connections for the rest of your life, wherever you go.
Develop Into the Best Version of Yourself
We understand starting college is an exhilarating time but also full of uncertainties. There is a lot of pressure for you to have your life figured out by the time you graduate.
We not only give you a support network while you explore and decide but also give you opportunities to develop your personal and professional self.
We will help you become the best version of who you want to be through our values-based programs and shared experiences. Maybe that’s in leadership, community service, or advocacy. Whatever your passion or goal, we can help you make the most out of it.
Become a Dedicated Female Leader®
We are passionate about empowering women beyond stereotypes to positively impact their community through service, activism, and leadership for the next generation of Dedicated Female Leaders®.
You will have the opportunity to develop, refine, and hone your leadership skills through team-building exercises, professional training, and development workshops. With these skills, you will participate in "hands-on" experience leading your chapter in officer positions, raising money for philanthropic events, or hosting educational seminars for your campus and communities.
You will gain skills like conflict resolution, managing multiple projects, public speaking, and running effective meetings. The best part is that these skills are easily transferable skills in the workforce.
Achieve Academic Excellence
Succeeding academically is the most important aspect of college life - it’s why you are there. As academic excellence is one of our founding virtues, we encourage sisters to reach their fullest potential by providing intellectual opportunities through scholarship programming, recognition incentives, and mentoring opportunities.
The Delta Phi Lambda Foundation is a tremendous resource, offering scholarships for academic and professional development expenses for undergraduate and alumnae sisters.
No matter your field of study or phase in your life, you will be supported to excel your scholastic development.
Give Back to Others
With a long tradition of contributing to charitable service efforts, we provide a platform for sisters to contribute to society through educational awareness programs, community service projects, and fundraising activities.
Our national philanthropic partnership is with American Bone Health to raise awareness for osteoporosis, a disease that disproportionately affects people of Asian descent.
In addition, sisters are encouraged to participate in volunteering activities, such as helping out at soup kitchens, community cleanups, free tutoring, and other events directed towards the betterment of their local and regional communities.
By giving your personal time and talents back to the community, you are rewarded through a sense of purpose and perspective, and it reinforces a lifelong commitment to helping others.